Following last year’s successful launch, EVA England are once again calling on all EV drivers to help identify the priority issues that matter most to them in the EV space.

Fully launched to the public today, the wide-ranging survey, covering everything from drivers’ charging experience to consumer confidence, and the key policies EV drivers would most like to see from the Government, provides an essential sounding board for the industry, stakeholders, and Government alike for the year ahead.

The Great EV Charging Survey will run until Sunday 18th August.

  • EV satisfaction rates continue to be very strong: More than 90% stated they would not go back to petrol or diesel and would have no hesitation recommending an EV to friends and family.
  • EVs are cost effective: 86% of people have found owning an EV cheaper to run.
  • Growing trust in the public charging network: 1 in 10 drivers are now solely reliant on public charging to meet all of their charging needs.

>>> You can read the whole report here.

This year’s survey comes at a crucial time for the sector.

Stringent Net Zero goals formerly kick in at the end of this year, requiring EVs to constitute more than 1 in 5 new car sales. Despite impressive levels of uptake, the UK still remains short of this mark. And whilst the public charging network is expanding rapidly, broadly in line with key targets, making sure the charging supply continues meeting the demand both in quantity and quality remains a huge challenge.

Last year’s survey helped identify specific issues with the charging network, a lack of home charging solutions for the growing number of EV drivers without private driveways; and a distinct lack of charging options for disabled drivers.

This new EVA England survey gives drivers the opportunity to benchmark the UK’s progress on these key issues, and will form the building blocks of EVA England’s advocacy work going forward.

Similarly to EVA England’s EV Drivers Manifesto, shaped by and for EV drivers, this year’s survey is a unique opportunity for drivers to communicate their experience to policymakers and industry stakeholders. Survey results will be published in a detailed report in the autumn, covering key topics such as EV affordability and charging costs, safety, reliability, and accessibility. 

The Great EV Charging Survey will run for two weeks until Sunday 18th August, and shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to complete. EVA England is encouraging all current EV drivers to take this survey.

⚡️ Upon completing the survey, all respondents can enter a prize draw to win one of five £100 Octopus Electroverse charging credits.

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